The problem with Masks…

Week 1- The veil has been broken and a shadow has been released. Our adventures have the task of repairing a land that is being slowly turned into shadow as an unintended result of their last adventure. Having met up with a “friendly” beholder named Fred. Meeting back at the tavern they prepare for the next part of their journey. While gathering resources they run into a goblin guide that is willing to take them where they need to go… for a price. This week they begin by acquiring the mask of courage.

Craft of the week: Crystals! How to wrap crystal with string to make necklaces and bracelets.

Week 2- Part of the group slips though an unexpected portal meeting the enigmatic Alchemist Professor Wilhelm Widdershins and his confused but sincere assistant. Our group assists in gathering “sands of time” for one of his experiments while learning valuable information about their quest.

Craft of the week: Crystals! How to wrap crystal with copper wire to make pendants and light catchers that can be hung as pendants.

Week 3- Entering the Hall of sacrifice the team learns what it means to lean upon others as well as being taught that sometimes things in life have a cost we may not want to pay….

Craft of the week: Crystals! How to use UV resin and 3D printed settings to create rings and more fabricated crystal holders.

Week 4-

Craft of the week: Crystals!


Lanterns Of Azure Flame